A devastating fire at Hillside Endarasha Academy in Nyeri County, Kenya, claimed the lives of at least 17 children in the early hours of Friday, September 6, 2024. The tragic blaze engulfed a dormitory at the primary school, which houses approximately 800 pupils aged between five and twelve years old. The fire broke out around midnight, catching the students in their sleep and leaving the school community in shock and mourning.
National police spokesperson Resila Onyango confirmed the heartbreaking toll, revealing that 17 bodies had been recovered, all burned beyond recognition. The average age of the victims was nine years old. In addition to the fatalities, several other children were seriously injured, with 16 rushed to a nearby hospital for urgent treatment. Onyango cautioned that the death toll could rise as emergency teams continue to search through the ruins.
The cause of the fire remains unknown, but authorities have launched a full investigation. Kenya's President William Ruto expressed his deep sorrow over the tragedy, calling it "devastating news" and extending his condolences to the families affected. He has instructed officials to thoroughly investigate the incident and assured that those responsible will be held accountable.
The Hillside Endarasha Academy fire has left a community grappling with immense grief and shock. Local media captured heart-wrenching scenes of distraught parents and relatives gathered outside the school, anxiously awaiting news of their loved ones. The misty morning air hung heavy with uncertainty as they hoped for updates on the children who had not been accounted for.
Images broadcast by Kenya’s Citizen TV showed the charred remains of the dormitory, with collapsed blackened roofing bearing the weight of the destruction. The sight of the scorched building serves as a grim reminder of the tragedy that unfolded in the dead of night.
In the wake of the tragedy, the Kenyan Red Cross quickly mobilized to provide support to the affected community. The organization, working alongside a multi-agency response team, has been offering psychosocial support services to pupils, teachers, and families grappling with the trauma of the incident. Their assistance is critical as the community begins the long process of healing from such an overwhelming loss.
Jagan Chapagain, secretary general of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, expressed solidarity with the Kenyan community, calling the news “heartbreaking” and sending his thoughts to those affected by the fire.
As Kenya mourns the loss of these young lives, the focus is now on the investigation into the cause of the fire. President Ruto has made it clear that the country will not rest until the full truth is uncovered and those responsible are held accountable. The tragedy at Hillside Endarasha Academy serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safety in schools, and it raises questions about the adequacy of fire prevention measures in educational institutions across the country.
For now, the community of Nyeri County is left to grapple with an unimaginable loss, while the nation rallies around them, offering support and prayers in this time of profound grief.