Asari Dokubo, former Niger Delta militant leader, recently shared insights into his relationship with President Bola Tinubu during an interview on Arise TV's Morning Show. Dokubo described Tinubu as a longstanding ally who supported him during a challenging period, particularly during former President Olusegun Obasanjo's alleged attempts to sideline him. Dokubo stated that his alliance with Tinubu stretches back to the military era, emphasizing the one-sided benefits he received from the friendship until Tinubu's presidential bid, where Dokubo saw an opportunity to reciprocate the support. He expressed his unwavering loyalty, suggesting he would support Tinubu in future endeavors.
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Tinubu Saved Me When Obasanjo Tried to Bury Me Alive – Asari Dokubo
Tinubu Saved Me When Obasanjo Tried to Bury Me Alive – Asari Dokubo
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