In a shocking turn of events, the Nigeria Police Force has apprehended Private Bara’u Tajuddeen, a soldier stationed at the 19 Special Force Brigade in Maiduguri, for allegedly smuggling military ammunition intended for sale to bandits.
The soldier, who carries the service number 22NA/82/3441, was intercepted at the Maiduguri motor park while reportedly en route to Kano.
According to sources familiar with the investigation, Tajuddeen was under surveillance and was caught with military ammunition and anti-aircraft rounds.
“The police arrested Private Bara’u Tajuddeen for stealing military ammunition intended for unlawful sale to bandits,” a source told SaharaReporters.
The arrest raises serious concerns about the integrity of military personnel and the ongoing challenges of arms trafficking in the region.
Authorities are conducting further investigations to ascertain the full extent of the operation and to ensure that those involved are brought to justice.
This incident underscores the ongoing security challenges faced by Nigeria, particularly in the northeastern region, where banditry and insurgency remain pressing issues.