In a dramatic turn of events, the Adamawa State Police Command is preparing to prosecute a young man who recently threatened to end his life in an attempt to pressure President Bola Tinubu to step down from office. The incident, which unfolded last Friday, saw the man climbing a 33kv high tension pole in Mayo-Belwa, adamantly demanding the president’s resignation.The Adamawa State Police Command rescued the man late on Saturday night after an intense standoff that lasted almost two days. According to SP Suleiman Nguruje, the Command’s Public Relations Officer, the individual, whose name has been withheld, is currently in police custody in the state capital. Nguruje confirmed that the police would parade the man and proceed with legal action, as attempting suicide is a criminal offense under Nigerian law.In an exclusive interview with PUNCH Metro, Nguruje explained, “It is our constitutional duty to protect lives and property. When an individual attempts to take their own life, they will face the full wrath of the law.”The incident took place on Mayo-Belwa’s market day, drawing the attention of many locals as the man mounted the high-voltage electrical pole along the Yola-Jalingo highway. He refused to come down until President Tinubu vacated the presidency, a demand that intensified concerns over his safety.Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the police enlisted the help of local residents, who eventually persuaded the man to descend from the pole by Saturday night. The tense standoff ended without any physical harm, but the man’s bold attempt to force a political change has landed him in legal trouble.The police are expected to charge him for his suicide attempt, a criminal act under Nigerian law. While the man’s protest may have aimed to draw attention to his political dissatisfaction, the focus has now shifted to his prosecution. His efforts to pressure the president into resignation are now overshadowed by the legal ramifications of his actions.
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Man Who Attempted Suicide to Force President Tinubu’s Resignation Set to Face Prosecution
Man Who Attempted Suicide to Force President Tinubu’s Resignation Set to Face Prosecution
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